International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 2021, 1(III): 98-105
Day Care Facilities in Public Girls Schools of Islamabad: Opinions of Mother Teachers
Received: 02 June, 2021 || Accepted: 23 June, 2021 || Published: 23 June, 2021
A b s t r a c t
This study explores mother teachers’ opinion regarding the availability of daycare centers for the female workers of schools and focuses on the influence of such facilities on workers’ performance. It also tries to explore those mothers’ opinions who have to bring their kids to their workplace. This study also investigates condition of daycare center provided by female schools to their female workers in order to get genuine opinion of those mothers. Close ended questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 180 mother teachers in different public schools of capital city Islamabad. 160 questionnaires were received back. Data was collected by the researchers. This study brings into light the serious concerns of mother teachers regarding condition and maintenance of daycare center provided for their kids. It also highlights the non-availability of daycare centers in few schools where mothers have to leave their kids either at house or in some other daycare centers that charge high rates. It also reveals that if an institution provides its workers with their basic needs, they become loyal and devoted to add to the reputation of their institutions. The data analysis was quantitative and showed that despite the availability of daycare centers, most working mothers prefer to leave their kids at home than to leave them in daycare centres. It would also affect the performance of teachers due to the presence of daycare center for their kids within their range.
Keywords: Daycare, facilities and learning.
Copyright information: Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To cite this article: Nadeem, H. A., Bibi, T., & Ismail, M. (2021). Day Care Facilities in Public Girls Schools of Islamabad: Opinions of Mother Teachers. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 1 (III), 98-105.
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