International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 2(1): 8-11

Research Article

Development of Management Practices against Sugarcane Grasshopper in Faridpur Sugar Mills Area of Bangladesh

Md. Nuray Alam Siddiquee*,
Md. Nuray Alam Siddiquee*,

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. Email: [email protected]

Md. Ataur Rahman,
Md. Ataur Rahman,

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh.

Md. Noor Alam,
Md. Noor Alam,

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh.

Md. Elmur Reza
Md. Elmur Reza

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh.

and Md. Nooruddin
Md. Nooruddin

North Bengal Sugar Mills Ltd. Bangladesh.

Received: 04 April 2022 || Accepted: 10 May 2022 || Published: 20 May 2021


A b s t r a c t

The field experiment was conducted at Masordia, Madukhali, Faridpur Sugar Mills area, Faridpur during the cropping season of 2014--2017 to find out the development of management practices against sugarcane grasshopper for commercial cultivation of sugarcane. The experiment was designed in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and comprised of six treatments. In three cropping seasons, the highest efficacy was found in treatment T4 (Weeding and mulching at once month interval + Nitro 505 EC @ 3.0 L.ha-1 ) of 86.23%, 82.72% and 82.34% respectively followed by 82.53%, 80.91% and 78.44% respectively whereas the lowest efficacy was found from T1 (Weeding and mulching at once month interval) of 4.32%, 7.79% and 7.53% respectively. Nevertheless, the three consecutive cropping seasons Bio-control agent treated plot showed 24.83%, 33.67% and 34.77% efficacy. This study revealed that Weeding and mulching + Nitro 505 EC insecticides application management practices best effective control against grasshopper in sugarcane cultivation. This technique will also be applied in others sugarcane growing areas of Bangladesh.

Keyword: Sugarcanegrasshopper, management practices, insecticides and effective control.

Copyright information: Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    To cite this article: Siddiquee, M.N.A, Rahman, M.A., Alam, M.N., Reza, M.E., and Nooruddin, M. (2022). Development of Management Practices Against Sugarcane Grasshopper in Faridpur Sugar Mills Area of Bangladesh. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 2 (1): 8-11.  


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