International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 2(2): 43-49

Incorporation of Inorganic Fertilizer with Poultry Manure Without Minimizing Yield of Jute

Most. Razzakun Jannat,
Most. Razzakun Jannat,

Farming Systems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

Rejvi Ahmed Bhuiya,
Rejvi Ahmed Bhuiya,

Department of Crop Science and Technology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

Abdur Razzak,
Abdur Razzak,

Farming Systems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

M Robiul Islam,
M Robiul Islam,

Farming Systems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

Md. Tariful Alam Khan
Md. Tariful Alam Khan

Farming Systems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

and A.M Shahidul Alam*
A.M Shahidul Alam*

Farming Systems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. Email:

Received: 10 July 2022 || Accepted: 07 August 2022 || Published: 15 August, 2022


      A B S T R A C T

Appropriate inorganic fertilizer and poultry manure are important agronomic practices for optimum yield of jute. A field experiment was carried out at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, during the period from May 2018 to September 2018 to study on “replacement of inorganic fertilizer with poultry manure without minimize yield of jute.” The experiment consisted of three inorganic fertilizer levels viz.F1:100% RDF, F2: 75% RDF, F3: 50% RDF and three poultry manure levels i.e.P1: without poultry manure, P2:5t ha-1, P3: 10t ha-1. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with three replications. The results show that maximum inorganic fertilizer significantly influenced plant height (339.46 cm), TDM (65.99 g m-2), CGR (60.94), leaf area (587.05 cm2), number of leaves (30.29), canopy cover (85.24%), stem diameter (20.35mm), fibre area (4.30 mm), fibre yield (3.488 t ha-1), stick yield (8.49 t ha-1) and biological yield (11.98 t ha-1). Considering poultry manure rates, highest plant height (330.99 cm), TDM (61.47g m-2), CGR (53.01), leaf area (537.83 cm2), number of leaf (28.97), canopy cover (82.87%), stem diameter (19.66 mm), fibre area (4.14 mm), fibre yield (3.36 t ha-1), stick yield (8.11 t ha-1) and biological yield (11.478 t ha-1) were recorded with application of poultry manure @ 10 t ha-1. The interaction between inorganic fertilizer and poultry manure was not significant. Although higher inorganic fertilizer and higher poultry manure give higher yield but our recommendation goes to medium amount of inorganic fertilizer (75% of BJRI recommendation) with maximum poultry manure (@10 t ha-1) as it can produce 17% more yield than conventional practice (F1P1) with 25% less inorganic fertilizer. Thus we can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizer by using poultry manure.


Key words: Total Dry Matter (TDM), CGR (Crop Growth Rate), Canopy cover, Inorganic fertilizer, Organic fertilizer.

Copyright information: Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    To cite this article: Jannat, M.R., Bhuiya, R.A., Razzak, A., Islam, M.R., Khan, T.A. and Alam, A.M.S. (2022). Incorporation of Inorganic Fertilizer With Poultry Manure Without Minimizing Yield of Jute. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 2 (2): 43-49.  



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