International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4(1): 6-10
Effect of NaCl Stress on Morphological Responses of Tomato Varieties Through Hydroponic Culture System
Received: 27 March, 2024 || Accepted: 7 May, 2024 || Published: 9 May, 2024
A plastic planter and hydroponic experiment was carried out to assess the tolerance of eight varieties of tomato against salinity expressed through morphological attributes of tomato. The experiment comprised four levels of salinity viz., control 2EC (mS/cm), 4EC (mS/cm), 6EC (mS/cm) and 8EC (mS/cm) and eight varieties of tomato viz., BARI Tomato-2, BARI Tomato-3, BARI Tomato-4, BARI Tomato-8, BARI Tomato-14, BARI Tomato-15, BARI Tomato-16, BARI Tomato-17. The two-factor experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The morphological attributes varied significantly with varieties and different salinity levels. Most of the parameters showed decreasing trend with the highest level of salinity 8 EC (mS/cm). In case of combined effects of variety and salinity level BARI Tomato-17 and low level of salinity (2mS/cm) produced maximum number of leaves, and plant height (26.33 and 48.45cm respectively) while the minimum number of leaves and plant height were (9.33& 16.35cm respectively) produced by the combination of BARI Tomato-3 and 8EC (mS/cm) level of salinity. It can be concluded that BARI Tomato-17 was comparatively more salt tolerant than the other varieties used.
Key words: Tomato, NaCl, hydroponic and salinity.
Copyright information: Copyright © 2021-2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
To cite this article: Alam, M.M., Rahman, L., Sayeed, M.A., and Mosharaf, M. (2024). Effect of NaCl Stress on Morphological Responses of Tomato Varieties Through Hydroponic Culture System. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4 (1): 6-12
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