International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4(2): 43-47

Research Article

Efficacy of Insecticides in Decreasing the Population of Aphids (Aphis fabae) and Pod Borer (Maruca vitrata) in Country Bean

Tamanna Sultana,
Tamanna Sultana,

Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences (CARS), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email: [email protected]

Md. Jahangir Alam,
Md. Jahangir Alam,

Entomology Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howlader,
Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howlader,

Insect Biotechnology and Biopesticide Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh.

Md. Abu Sayeed
Md. Abu Sayeed

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna-6620, Bangladesh.

and Monika Mosharaf
Monika Mosharaf

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna-6620, Bangladesh. 5 Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.

Received: 17 June, 2024 || Accepted: 30 June, 2024 || Published: 01July, 2024



Country bean, Lablab purpureus Linn, is one of the most significant legume crops, although its growth and production are declining due to pest infestations, particularly from aphids and pod borers. This experiment aimed to determine the efficacy of three insecticides, viz. Confidor 70WG (Imidacloprid) @ 0.2 ml/L, Bio-neem Plus (Azadirachtin) @ 5 ml/L and BotaniGard® 22WP (Beauveria bassiana) @ 2 ml/L against bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli and Pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius. Four sprays were applied, and cumulative means were calculated. Data on aphids per plant, pod borers per flower, and pod were collected at 1, 3, and 7 days after spraying (DAS). Imidacloprid showed the highest reduction in the aphid population (84.77%), followed by Azadirachtin (70.96%) and B. bassiana (61.38%). Imidacloprid also reduced pod borers on flowers by 73.92%, while botanical and microbial insecticides showed slower effects with reductions of 37.69% and 33.85%, respectively. Imidacloprid was most effective in reducing pod borers on pods (66.38%). All treatments performed better than the control in lowering populations of aphids and pod borers. Imidacloprid produced the greatest increase compared to the control group, yielding 6.523 t/ha. Azadirachtin followed closely with a yield of 5.92 t/ha, and B. bassiana yielded 5.08 t/ha. Hence, Imidacloprid is suggested as an effective solution for controlling aphids and pod borers in bean cultivation in Bangladesh.


Key Words: Bean aphids, efficacy, insecticides, and pod borer.

Copyright information: Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    To cite this article: Sultana, T., Alam, M.J., Howlader, M.T.H., Sayeed, M.A., and Mosharaf, M. (2024). Efficacy of Insecticides in Decreasing the Population of Aphids (Aphis fabae) and Pod Borer (Maruca vitrata) in Country Bean. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4 (2): 43-47.  



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