International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 1(4): 162-169
“Dewey” and Education Research: Systematic Quantitative Reviews from 1992–2019
Received: 13 October, 2021 || Accepted: 10 November, 2021 || Published: 11 November, 2021
A b s t r a c t
Where English is the national language, education research journals in the English language are a forefront of teaching democracy to those tasked to inculcate students with necessarily aptitudes to succeed in a democratic society. Where this education fails, Habermas’s argument for communicative action is comparative for the purpose of this research to help clarify John Dewey’s argument on democracy. The failure of democracy into a sociative society is discussed as indicators of the existence of democracy. Perspectives of a “Great Community” are mapped, and Dewey’s argument for education, communication, and community as critical foundations for democratic communications are analyzed. These arguments are discussed in the context of moving forward in an Asian context.
Keywords: Education, development, democracy and control.
Copyright information: Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
To cite this article: Pan, A.J. (2021). “Dewey” and Education Research: Systematic Quantitative Reviews from 1992 – 2019. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 1 (4): 162-169.
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