International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4(1): 26-30

Research Article

Efficacy of Sex Pheromone and Bio-Pesticides against Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) and Yield of Brinjal

Monika Mosharaf,
Monika Mosharaf,

Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

MA Monjur Khan,
MA Monjur Khan,

Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

Md. Mahbubur Rahman,
Md. Mahbubur Rahman,

Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

Md. Abu Sayeed,
Md. Abu Sayeed,

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna-6620, Bangladesh

Lazia Rahman
Lazia Rahman

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna-6620, Bangladesh

and Md. Marju Alam
Md. Marju Alam

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna-6620, Bangladesh

Received: 17 April, 2024 || Accepted: 17 May, 2024 || Published: 26 May, 2024



Pests are major constraints in production of vegetables. Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is considered the most damaging pest of brinjal. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in the Entomology field laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, during the period from April to September, 2023 to evaluate the efficacy of sex pheromone (BSFB-Phero) and bio-pesticidesagainst brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Four treatments viz. BSFB-Phero 1 lure @ 3mg, BSFB-Phero 1 lure @ 3mg + Tracer 45 SC  @ 0.4 ml/L ,BSFB-Phero 1 lure @ 3mg + Bio BTK @ 1.0g/L and untreated control were selected for the study.BSFB-Phero 1 lure @ 3mgwas applied individually or in combination with bio- pesticides (Tracer 45 SC  and Bio BTK) and their efficacies were evaluated on different parameters viz. percent healthy shoots, number of marketable fruits/m2 and marketable fruit yield (t/ha).All the treatments were significantly increased. The best result was achieved from sex pheromone (BSFB-Phero)+Bio BTK (Bacillus thuringiensis) treated plots where minimum shoot infestation (14.47%)  was obtained from BSFB-Phero + Bio BTK aplication with the dose of 1lure @ 3mg BSFB- Phero and 1 g/L Bio BTK compared to control (33.85%). Maximum shoot infestation (33.85%) was found in untreated plots. The maximum number of marketable fruits (7.15/m2) and yield (7.11t/ha) were also achieved from BSFB-Phero +Bio BTK treated plots followed by BSFB-Phero + Tracer 45 SC and BSFB-Phero,respectively. As the BSFB-Phero +Bio BTK treated plots showed the highest efficacy among the treatments. Considering the higher yield and control of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, this treatmentis more effective for brinjal growing areas of Bangladesh.


Keywords: Brinjal; efficacy; pheromone; bio-pesticide; and shoot and fruit borer.

Copyright information: Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    To cite this article: Mosharaf, M., Khan, M.A.M., Rahman, M.M., Sayeed, M.A., Rahman, L. and Alam, M.M. (2024). Efficacy of Sex Pheromone and Bio-Pesticides against Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) and Yield of Brinjal. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 4 (1): 26-30  



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